Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Word Lesson 1

Word Lesson 1


Exercise 1
In this lesson you will learn to:
• Open a new document
• Insert today’s date without typing it
• Set your margins
• Use Wordwrap
• Use Spell Check
• Use the Thesaurus
• Bullet or Number a List
• Print
• Open a previously created document
• Change margins
• Bold, Italicize, and Underline
• Use Show/Hide

1. Click on the Microsoft Word Document on your Desktop
2. Click New Office Document.
a. Point to File on the toolbar, Point to New
3. Click on Blank Document

B. Labeling your lesson
1. Start in the upper left corner of this document
2. Click on Insert, Click on Header and Footer
3. Right align your text. Type you name, Press enter. Type in Exercise 1

4. Click on the Switch between Header and Footer Icon. Right align your text, and insert today’s date on the far right by going to Icon with the numbers on it. For the Footer, Font size 8 on the right side of the page. Close the Header/Footer
5. Go up to insert and insert a page number in the bottom, center of the page.

C. To Enter Text
1. Type in Blue Grass Baptist School
2. Push the enter key
3. Type in 200 Red River Dr.
4. Push the enter key
5. Type in Lexington, KY 40517
6. Highlight the text you just typed.
7. Click on the down arrow by the Font, and change it to Arial Narrow
8. Click on the center icon and Center the text

C. Setting up your margins
1. Always go to the top of your document. Do that now, by either using the arrow keys, or the mouse scroll bar on the right side of the screen. Look for the up and down arrows.
2. Click on Home Tab, Click on the dialog box in paragraph.
3. Go down to the bottom of the screen and click on Margins.

Set your margins to:
• Top .5
Bottom .8
Right 1.0
Left 1.0

4. Click OK
5. Use the arrows or the mouse to get to the end of the zip code 40517
6. Push enter 4 times
7. Click on the align left icon (Paragraph alignment)
8. Change the font type to Arial, size 12

D. Using Wordwrap
1. Type in the following text:

A Revolution Begins
Information has become increasingly important to us, thus coining the term “Information Age." Information and the ability to provide it has the potential of becoming a central ingredient of an emerging world economy. According to Gates, “When communication gets inexpensive enough and is combined with other advances in technology, the influence of interactive information will be as real and as far-reaching as the effects of electricity.”

Technology is changing the ways we handle information, thus the introduction to the history of computing and the principles of how computers handle information.

The information of the future will be in digital format thus allowing anyone with proper authorization and a computer to access it. This period in history will experience changes in the storage method of information, the manipulation of the data and the processing and transmission speed at which the information can be obtained.

DO NOT HIT ENTER AT THE END OF THE LINE. Word wraps the text onto the next line for you.
2. Push the Control Button and the Number 2 to double-space your text. Remember to press Control Button and the Number 1 to single-space your text. Do that now
3. All three paragraphs should now be single-spaced.

E. Using Spell Check
1. Type in the following word
Successfl (Hit the space bar after typing the l in successfl)
Notice that you have a red line under the word. Position the mouse somewhere on this word. Use the right mouse and click on this word. You will be given the correct choice of successful. Click on Successful and notice that the word has been corrected for you. However, always be certain that spell check is offering you the word you want. If Spell Check doesn’t know the word that you have typed and you know that it is correct, you can add it to the spell check.

2. Try it again using the word animate, but type it in wrong as the following: anilate. Now right mouse click on the word and correct the word.

3. Now click on the word animate again. Use the Thesaurus to replace the word. Click on Tools, Language, and Replace animate with a Synonym. (A similar word to the one you’re replacing.)

F. To Bullet or Number a List
1. The easiest way is to click on the bullet icon on the Formatting toolbar. The second way is to type an asterisk * followed by a spacebar for AutoFormat as you type to work properly
2. Try it: Type an asterisk (*) and then press the spacebar. Type:

• English (Hit Enter)
• Social Science
• Art

3. Push enter twice and this will turn off the bullet function. Or click on the numbering or bullet icon to turn it off.
4. Now type in:

By passing the Introduction to Computers class, I will have fulfilled one of my requirements for graduation from BGBS, and I will be proficient in the use of five different application software programs. (Press enter)
6. Under the above text, type in the following text using bullets and the right indent icon on the formatting toolbar above. Indent two - three mouse clicks, or 1.0. Look at the ruler above to see when your cursor is at 1.0. Change the font to Times New Roman.
MS Word
MS Publisher
MS Excel
MS Access
MS FrontPage
MS PowerPoint

7. Use the same method for numbering. Highlight the above seven items by dragging your mouse over the text and click on the number icon to the left of the bullet icon.
1. MS Word
2. MS Publisher
3. Internet
4. E-Mail
5. MS Excel
6. MS Access
7. MS PowerPoint
8. MS FrontPage

8. You may have to double click on the right indent icon again to move all of the text in 1.0 inches.

G. Saving a Document
1. Click on File, Click on Save-As, Click on the down arrow to the right of Save In. Here you will see Student Common Z: à 10th Grade à Word Exercise 1
2. You may also use the save icon on the Standard Toolbar. However, BE CAREFUL! For your first save on a document, you want to know where your document is going to be saved and where.

H. To Print
1. ALWAYS save your document before you print.

I. Opening a Previously Created Document
1. Open Exercise 1. Follow the steps in Exercise 1, Step A. To Start MS Word. But OPEN an existing document Exercise 1.
2. Click on File, Point to Open, Click on the down arrow on the Look in line. Click on the directory with your name on it. Open the MS Word Folder, and then Click on Exercise 1.

J. Change your margins:
1. Right 1.25
Left 1.25
K. Blue Grass Baptist School 200 River Run Dr. Lexington, KY 40517
1. Change the font size to 14. Bold the text. Change the Font to Arial
   a. While the text is still hi-lighted, click on the text size arrow, and the B icon. If you want to Underline text or Italicize text, you just follow this same process, only click on the I or U, respectively. Or you can click on Ctrl_U for underlining, Ctrl_I for italicizing, and Ctrl_B for bolding.
2. When you want to turn off Bold, Italicize, or Underline, simply highlight the text and click on the same icons again or use the Ctrl keys.

L. Using Show Hide
1. Go to the Standard toolbar and click on the ShowHide icon. This looks like a backward paragraph sign. You will notice that you can now see the enters, spaces, and any tabs that you may have used. This comes in handy when proofing and finalizing documents or when using tables.

M. Save your file to the Student Common à Z:à 10th Grade àWord Lesson 1

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