Sunday, January 1, 2017

Webquest 1

Web Quest 1: 
Roller Coaster Designers

Reason for Assignment:
The ability to research a subject and find answers to questions is an extremely important ability for students to learn.  If you are preparing to enter any higher level of education you will be using this skill extensively.  This lesson will help you sharpen your research skills and give you the knowledge necessary to complete your studies and prepare you for future opportunities.


If you enjoy roller coaster rides, this should be a very interesting and engaging Webquest for you.  Most people do not realize how much work goes into the design and construction of a roller coaster. 

While you may be very familiar with a variety of roller coasters, we rarely think about the people that design them and what process they go through to build them.

 In this Webquest you will be researching and answering questions about roller coaster designers, and how they work.  You will be using Microsoft word to answer questions and collect pictures of different roller coasters and their designers.

You will be using a prepared Microsoft Word document to gather information and answer questions on roller coaster designers and the processes they use to create these modern marvels.

Before You Get Started
Click here to get a copy of the answer sheet:  Answer Sheet

Resource Sites:

Step 1:  Go to this Website

Step 2: Answer these questions:

1.  What kind of roller coasters does the Gravity Group research on their site?


2.  What kind of professionals are the key members of the Gravity Group?


Step 3: Click on the Gravity Group’s Services page. 

3.  How long has the Gravity Group been working with parks to make turnkey projects (roller coasters)?


4. Timberline train upgrades have the industry’s only ____________ roller coaster car.


Step 5: Click on the Gravity Group’s Portfolio then Roller Coaster Projects link.

5.  What are the drop degrees of the first drop angle of the roller coaster known as the Wooden Warrior?


6. How many minutes of “airtime fun” does the Wooden Warrior contain?

7.  What year did the roller coaster known as the “JUNGLE TRAILBLAZER – ZHENGZHOU “open?


8.  What is the maximum speed of the “JUNGLE TRAILBLAZER – ZHENGZHOU”?


9.  What is the maximum banking speed of the roller coaster known as the “ROAR-O-SAURUS”


Step 6: Click on the Gravity Groups Portfolio link at the top of the page and then the Timberline Trains link.

10.  What is so unique about Timberliner’s wheel maintenance that makes them so low maintenance? 


Note:  You may have to click on some of the links on this site to find out what the answer is.  Even the links that have dots under the words are important.  They will tell you the definition of the word when you click on it.

11. Ron Toomer was considered to be a “sovereign” of steel coasters.  What does that mean?


12.  Toomer was involved in two very important aspects of the space industry. What were they?


13. In 1975 Toomer designed the first corkscrew roller coaster.  Where was it built at?


14.  In the year 2000 Which “Hall of Fame” was Toomer inducted into?


Step 8:  Go to this site: Coasters

15.  What is the median income for a roller coaster designer?

Step 9: Look under the heading :Design.

16.  Write in your own words what a person will need to know to become a roller coaster designer. (30 words or more.)

Finishing: Save your sheet into the (Z:) Common Drive --> 10th Grade --> Webquest1 and make sure your name is on the file.

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