Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Word Lesson 2

In this lesson you will learn:
• Change the format of a paragraph
• Change the color of text
• Use the Highlighter
• Indent paragraphs on the left and the right
• Print Preview 

A.  Open a New Document 

B.  Insert your header and footers as indicated in the previous lesson. Exercise 1
C. Changing the Format of a paragraph:
1. Type in the following paragraph

Information has become increasingly important to us, thus coining the term “Information Age." Information and the ability to provide it have the potential of becoming a central ingredient of an emerging world economy. According to Gates, When communication gets inexpensive enough and is combined with other advances in technology, the influence of interactive information will be as real and as far-reaching as the effects of electricity.”

2. Change the Color of the Text 
1. Select the first sentence. 
2. Click on the down arrow beside the A on the Formatting toolbar. 

3. Choose a color to change your text to. You will notice when you click outside of your text that the color of your text has changed to your chosen color. 

4. Change the first three words back to normal, which is black. Highlight the text. Click on the down arrow beside the small A on the Formatting toolbar. Leave the first 3 words smaller than the rest of the text.

5. Hold down your mouse button and drag the mouse across the quoted section (“Information Age.") and change it to RED, Italicize it, and change it to size 14 font.
6.    Next, type in the following paragraph. Bold and italicize where indicated.

The abacus used by the Asians around 3400 BC was one of the first calculators ever used. It was not until 1642 that Pascal invented a mechanical calculator for counting. Leibniz, 30 years later, continued to improve on Pascal’s device with the “Stepped Reckoner” that could multiply, divide and calculate square roots. This same type of device powered by rotating dials and gears were what businesses used until the advent of electronic counterparts. 

1. Select the paragraph using the mouse.
2. Point at the down arrow to the right of the icon that looks like a piece of chalk. This is located on the Formatting toolbar at the left of the A, and the drop-down says Highlight (color). Select a color.

3. View your text. It should now be highlighted.
4. Click outside of the text area, and look at your paragraph. Is it highlighted? 

5. Turn off the highlight on everything except the quote by dragging your mouse over the text again.

3. Indent a Paragraph on the Left and the Right
1. Type in the following paragraph, Bold and Italicize where indicated.

Any kind of information can be transposed into 0’s and 1’s, binary numbers, using the digital system as opposed to the analog system which used “educated” guesses or approximations. This is why the binary system is so important to understand in describing the method or storing and transmitting information used by calculators. Once the information has been changed into 0s and 1s, this information can be fed into and stored in computers in long strings of bits, thus digital information.

1. Select the paragraph that you just typed in.

2. On the Menu bar, go to Paragraph and click on the Paragraph dialog box. 
3. Under Indentation change the left to 1.0 and the right to .1. 
4. Change the Line Spacing to Double. (You can also double-space by hi-lighting the text, and pressing Cntrl-2 on the keyboard. Reverse to single-space Cntrl-1.)

4. Print 
Always Save and View your document before printing. This saves a lot of paper, if what you see, you don’t like.
1. Click on File, select Print.
2. Change the Viewing % to 50%.
3. Note: If your document is more than 1 page, you can view up to six pages. Notice the icon to the left of the % change. If you use the drop-down, it says Multiple pages. By clicking on the Icon, you get six boxes, or six possible views
4. Save your document to Common Drive Z: à 10th Grade à Lesson 2.
6. Close your document. 

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