Friday, December 30, 2016

Excel Lesson 4

Excel Activity 4: 
Sleepy Pie Chart

Essential Learning Skills:  creating a Pie Chart, comparing two groups of data, chart formats including labels, titles, legends, moving charts on the spreadsheet, creating a footer, and setting up portrait format.

1.    Open a new Spreadsheet file.

2.    Mrs. Bladderbloat recently polled all the students attending Dweeby High School.  One of the questions she asked was, “Do you get enough sleep each night?”  Enter the following information, which represents the responses. 
Enough Sleep
Yes     175
No      325
Don’t Know 40

Fill out your Excel spread sheet so it looks like chart below, and this time instead of a bar chart, you will go to Insert then Pie then choose the first 2D chart.

Once you have your chart, double click on the title section (where it says "chart title" below) and add the title, “Enough Sleep?


·         Click on the Insert Tab and go the the Text section and click on Text Box and and draw a square.
·         Double click on the text box and type in your name.
·         Don’t forget to print preview to double check that your chart is just the way you want it.
·         Print the page and turn it in.

Part 2 – The 3d Pie Chart

This time, you will be using the lesson above as well as the lesson below to create a 3D Pie Chart on your own.  If you get stuck, read the directions above to complete the lesson.

1.     Open a new Spreadsheet file by clicking on “Sheet 2” at the bottom of the page.

2.    Mr. Ellis is taking a survey at Blue Grass Baptist School on how many students have seen the new Star Wars movie “Rouge One”.  So he passed around a survey that asked the question “Did you see Rouge One?” Enter the following information, which represents the responses. 
Rogue One Views
Yes     88
No      30
Going Later 48

Note:  This time you’ll be selecting the 3D Pie Chart and under Design, you’ll be selecting the second option so that your pie chart will look like this:

·         Click on Insert Tab go over to the Text section and click on the Text Box and and draw a square.
·         Double click on the text box and type in your name.
·         Don’t forget to print preview to double check that your chart is just the way you want it.
·         Print out your sheet and turn it in.

Stand back and gloat over your confidence.


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